Welcome to Encephalon Games

Space ship blasting off

Admittedly, there is not a lot here just yet. You wouldn’t believe how much is involved in starting a company! Now that the site is actually up (at least it LOOKS like it is), I can finally turn my attention to testing the two BCI headsets and working on the first demo game. I’ll explain more in the newsletter.

Speaking of newsletters, I’m making a newsletter!

Please enter your first name and email address below to subscribe. I promise not to sell, rent, give out, or sky-write your contact information; this just makes it easier to share what’s new. There are the beginnings of a blog on the right-hand of this page (or up at the top). However, the newsletter is where I’ll be sharing more and showing you what’s going on at Encephalon.

If there was anything at all you could do today to stay caught up, it’s subscribe to the newsletter (hint hint). Additionally, it is probably going to go to your Promotions emails since it comes from MailChimp. Be sure to click the email confirmation, otherwise you won’t actually receive the newsletter.

Thanks for your interest!